Family Ministry Coordinator

Jenney Shelley

Bachelors in Early Childhood Education:  Oakland University 1975

Masters in Reading Education:  University of Missouri 1994

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 NIV)

I am so excited to be the Family Ministries Coordinator at Central United Methodist Church! I am a retired elementary school teacher and have lived in Georgia, Nebraska, and Missouri, as well as Michigan.  I am really happy to be working with children again.

I was raised in Fremont, Michigan in the Western Lower Peninsula. Fremont United Methodist was my home church as I was growing up and I have wonderful memories of being loved and cared for by the members of that congregation. I grew away from the church a bit while in college, and as young adults my husband and I attended only sporadically until our oldest child was 1 ½ years old.  It was then that we made the conscious decision to attend regularly so that she and our future children could be raised and nurtured within the family of Christ.  We now have three adult children with families of their own.

We, at Central United Methodist Church, know how important it is for children to grow up surrounded and nurtured by a loving multi-generational church family.  For pre-school and elementary age children we offer Young Christian Worship during the Sunday morning worship service (beginning on October 6, 2019).  Sunday School for Junior and Senior High meets at 9:45 on Sunday mornings.  On Wednesday evenings from 530-6:45, we get the whole family together for food, Christian fellowship, music and Bible study.  Everyone is welcome to join us!